
Status: completed St. Catherine, Linstead, Buxton Town, Wakefield

Buxton Town Water Supply Scheme

Location/Communities Affected:

      Buxton Town, St. Catherine
                The facility lies in North Western St. Catherine in the community of Buxton Town along
                with some areas of Wakefield and Linstead.
Background and Purpose:
     Previously, Buxton Town had no reliable source of potable (drinkable) water even though it had a rainwater catchment concrete storage tank. However, this storage tank was not in use. The lack of potable water in the community prompted the Government of Jamaica to refurbish this tank and to construct a well and a pumping station at Wakefield, so that the residents of Buxton Town, Wakefield and sections of Linstead can have potable water. The amount of persons serviced are approximately 6,200 persons.
Projected Outputs:
       The outputs of the project were:
  •          The construction, development and equipping of a pumping station and well that yields              approximately 32.8 litres per second.
  •          The refurbishing of an existing 445 cu.m concrete tank.
  •          The installation of 1,850m of 100mm P.V.C. forced main from Wakefield to Buxton Town, 2,720 of 100mm P.V.C. distribution lines and 1,600m of 50mm galvanized iron                      pipelines and service connections.
Operator of the System:
      The National Water Commission is responsible for operating and maintaining the supply scheme.
Status and Cost:
      The project was completed at a cost of $29.71 million.
Project Management Team:                      
      The project management team comprised of Mr. Alton Walker and Mr. Peter Clarke from Rural Water Supply.