Location/Communities Affected:

Portsea, St. Elizabeth
The facility lies in South East, St. Elizabeth, in the Portsea community.
Background and Purpose:
The Portsea rainwater concrete catchment and tank was built in the 1940’s by the British Government and it serves an estimated population of 1500 residents. The facility was in good condition, however, the tank was not. The tank stores 1,022,061.18 litres but had leakages and was uncovered. Because of the lack of coverage, the water stored in tank was contaminated by leaves, sticks and frogs. This contamination rendered the water unsuitable for human consumption. Therefore, the Government of Jamaica had made the decision to repair the catchment tank in order to provide potable (drinkable) water to the residents.
The repairs to the storage tank and the resulting improved water quality have led to residents relying less on expensive trucked water from private truckers.
Projected Outputs:
The outputs of the project were:
- The repairing of the concrete catchment area.
- The replacing of the catchment fencing and wall footing to fencing.
- The waterproofing of a section of tank wall.
- The laying of 800m of 25mm diameter galvanized iron pipes.
- The covering of the tank, 1.1938m wide and 1.8796m long, with ferro-cement.
- The bushing of the compound and other miscellaneous works.
Operator of the System:
The St. Elizabeth Parish Council is responsible for operating and maintaining the catchment facility.
Status and Cost:
The project was completed at a cost of $6.058 million.
This project started on June 9, 2014 and ended on July 21, 2014.
Project Management Team:
The project management team comprised of Mr. Patrick Reid from Rural Water Supply.

Work in Process:
